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Table 2 Pepper cropping systems and in Morogoro district, Tanzania, where pepper farms were surveyed for symptoms of spike shedding and stem wilting

From: Extent of spike shedding and stem wilting of pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in Morogoro District, Tanzania

Pepper cropping system


Frequency (percentage) of respondents n = 216

Monoculture (pepper only)


4 (1.9)a

Mixed cropping


212 (98.1)



183 (84.7)


Perennial spices

139 (64.4)



48 (22.2)


Cereals and/or legumes

11 (5.1)


Other crops

15 (6.9)

  1. aNumbers in parenthesis indicate the percentage of respondents in the specified category; where % totals add up to more than 100% there were multiple categories selected by responders