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Table 5 Influence of constant and changing temperatures on shoot structure and flowering of apple trees as assessed by out-door performance in the subsequent spring following overwintering in a cold store at 1 °C (2017 experiment)

From: Temperature control of shoot growth and floral initiation in apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.)

Temperature (℃)

Flowering nodes (%)

Vegetative nodes (%)

Non-breaking nodes (%)

Nodes per tree

Flower cluster per tree

Flowers per tree

12 °C cont.

5.6 da

75.2 a

18.8 b

181.0 c

9.0 c

25.8 b

18 °C cont.

49.3 a

24.2 d

26.4 ab

225.2 bc

97.8 ab

381.0 a

24 °C cont.

33.7 ab

27.2 d

39.1 ab

367.8 a

128.0 a

375.0 a

27 °C cont.

11.0 cd

42.7 cd

46.3 a

399.6 a

43.2 bc

115.2 b

1224 °C

14.8 bcd

56.9 abc

28.3 ab

209.8 bc

34.8 bc

105.8 b

1827 °C

17.6 bcd

45.3 bcd

37.0 ab

290.3 abc

45.3 bc

152.5 b

2412 °C

21.1 bcd

48.4 bcd

30.6 ab

264.5 abc

48.5 bc

176.5 ab

2718 °C

30.3 abc

29.3 d

40.4 ab

355.8 ab

97.8 ab

376.5 a


9.5 cd

68.2 ab

22.3 ab

219.0 bc

19.5 c

66.5 b









< 0.001

< 0.001


< 0.001

< 0.001

< 0.001

  1. The data are means of four trees from each treatment
  2. aAll values are means of four replications, with one three in each treatment. Mean values in the same column followed by different lower-case letters are significantly different (P ≤ 0.005) for the different temperature treatments