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Table 9 Multinomial endogenous treatment effects model estimates

From: IITA’s genebank, cowpea diversity on farms, and farmers’ welfare in Nigeria

Explanatory variables

Outcome models

Ln cowpea yield

Ln cowpea consumption

Ln cowpea sale

Treatment variable

 Adoption of cowpea variety without genebank ancestry

− 1.545** (0.781)

0.186 (0.205)

− 0.578 (1.025)

 Adoption of cowpea variety with genebank ancestry

1.019*** (0.395)

0.381*** (0.095)

− 0.027 (0.158)

Household characteristics


− 0.018 (0.022)

0.012 (0.010)

0.001 (0.035)


0.000 (0.000)

− 0.000 (0.000)

− 0.000 (0.000)


0.735*** (0.238)

0.081 (0.101)

− 0.116 (0.258)


0.007 (0.025)

− 0.013 (0.010)

0.017 (0.041)


0.000 (0.002)

0.000 (0.001)

− 0.002 (0.003)

 Need credit

0.385*** (0.109)

0.059 (0.045)

− 0.631*** (0.132)

Farm characteristics


− 0.172*** (0.031)

0.065*** (0.015)

− 0.000 (0.021)


0.041 (0.056)

− 0.044* (0.025)

0.105 (0.071)

 Distance to farm

− 0.006*** (0.002)

0.001 (0.001)

0.003 (0.002)

 Soil fertility

− 0.335** (0.151)

− 0.134** (0.067)

0.133 (0.220)

Market characteristics

 Distance to village market

− 0.003*** (0.001)

− 0.000 (0.000)

− 0.004*** (0.001)

 Distance to district market

− 0.001* (0.001)

0.000 (0.000)

0.000 (0.001)


3.111*** (0.620)

0.822*** (9.264)

5.399*** (0.909)

Selection terms \((\lambda )\)

 Adoption of cowpea variety without genebank ancestry

0.958** (0.480)

− 0.419*** (0.156)

0.000 (0.000)

 Adoption of cowpea variety with genebank ancestry

− 1.194*** (0.457)

− 0.419*** (0.109)

− 0.000 (0.000)

 Prob > chi2








  1. Columns 1, 2 and 3 are multinomial endogenous treatment effects model regressions with natural logarithms of cowpea yield, cowpea consumption and cowpea sale as outcomes, respectively. The control group is households that grow a cowpea landrace. 1000 simulation draws were used. Standard errors are in parentheses. ***,**,*: Significance at 1, 5, or 10% significance level, respectively