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Table 1 Training content and methodologies

From: Dialogue as a tool of nutrition literacy in an agricultural intervention programme in Odisha, India


Strategies for critical reflection

Understanding one’s own nutritional status

Nutritional assessment of participants and discussion on the results

Examining household diet

Small group discussion on lifestyle, daily diet and sources of food followed by presentations. Use of picture booklet as discussion starter to understand nutritive value of foods

Choice of crops and agricultural planning

Agricultural planning in small groups balancing nutritional and economic requirements in a given type of landa (1 acre). The plans are discussed by all groups

Role of class, caste and gender in accessing food

Participants are randomly divided into three groups and given a situation with which to enact a role play. This is followed by a discussion and reflection on existing socio economic and cultural practices that hinder access to food by specific population groups

Estimating annual household food requirement

Participants discuss in randomly divided groups if their annual food requirement could be met with a given type of land and other strategies for augmenting food production

Introduction to Government entitlements

Face to face interaction with officials from Government departments

Identifying key messages

Village-wise group discussion

  1. aKoraput is a hilly region and has 3 types of land: upland, middle land and low land