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Table 2 Different Biostimulants and their impact on Fruit crops

From: Sustainable production through biostimulants under fruit orchards

Fruit crop

Biostimulants name

Doses or concentrations

Mode of application

Positive effects on the fruit trees


1. Humic substances (Humic acid & Fulvic Acid)



Actosol® (contains 2.9% humic acid)

Foliar spraying with 15 cm3 per tree and 75 cm3/3 L as a weekly soil addition

Both foliar as well as soil Application

•↑↑ the vegetative growth ( shoot length, chlorophyll content

•↑↑most of yield determinations and fruit quality

Fathy et al. (2010)


Humic acid + Vermicompost + Microbes


Soil Application

•↑↑ growth and adaptation of pineapple plantlets to the ex vitro environment

Baldotto et al. (2010)


Vermicompost leachates (Humic substances)


Foliar spray

•↑↑ fruit yield (10–14%) and

•↓↓ incidence of grey mould

Singh et al. (2009)


Humic acids


Foliar spray and fertigation

↑↑ nutrient use efficiency

Ameri et al. (2012)


Commercial humic acids

5 cm3/tree three times

Both foliar as well assoil Application

•↑↑ fruit yield and quality

Mansour et al. (2013)


HA commercial soluble product

foliar spray

•↑↑ yield (33%), fruit firmness and total soluble solid percent

Farahi et al. (2013)

 Yellow passion fruit

Humic acids

7.5, 15.0, 22.5 and 30 ml/L

Foliar spray

•↑↑root dry weight by 124% in seedlings

•Amoleriated seedling quality

Cavalcante et al. (2013)


Humic acid

4.5 ml/L

Soil Application

•↑↑ shoot fresh and dry weights, root dry weight and shoot potassium concentration

Jahromi and Hassanzadeh (2016)


Humic acid + seaweed extract (1500 mg/L)

400 mg/L + SWE 1500 mg/L

Both soil and foliar spray

•↑↑yield, and physico-chemical characteristics [total soluble solids and titratable acidity; amount of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)]

Alkharpotly et al. (2017)


Humic acids

7.5 ml/L


•↑↑ the plant height, leaf area, plant spread, girth at collar, root length,

•number of secondary and tertiary roots,

•↑↑dry matter production

Rajan et al. (2018)


Humic acid

4 ml/L

Both foliar and Drenching

•↑↑yield, and physico-chemical characteristics [total soluble solids and titratable acidity; amount of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)]

Hadi et al. (2018)


Nitrogen and humic acid

100 kg ha−1 and 4 kg ha−1, respectively

Soil application and foliar

•highest values for the leaf area, fruit yield,

•chlorophyll a, carotenoids and titratable acidity are associated with the combined treatments of with concentrations of

Rostami et al. (2022)


Arginine + humic acid


•↑↑ fruit protein content and total chlorophyll

Nargesi et al. (2022)

2. Phosphites



Phosphorous acid

(50% P as HPO42− and 50% as H2PO3−

Nutrient solution in hydroponics

•↑↑ Biomass dry weight, foliar area and P content in the whole plant

Bertsch et al. (2009)


Phosphoric acid (Liquid NPK 3:12:15 fertilizer Phosfik1)

0.3% liquid NP

Plants soaked and irrigated

•↑↑ fruit acidity, ascorbic acid and anthocyanin content

Moor et al. (2009)


Potassium phosphite

6.7% of total P as Phi

Root application through a controlled watering system

•↑↑ roots growth and shoots

Glinicki et al. (2010)


Phosphoric acid

30% of total P as Phi

Nutrient solution applied to the roots

•↑↑ chlorophyll, amino acids and proteins contents in leaves

Ortiz et al. (2011)


Phosphorous acid

(20% of total P as Phi)

Nutrient solution applied to the roots

•↑↑ sugar concentration and firmness of fruits; improves shelf life

Ortiz et al. (2012)


Potassium phosphite

5.0 g L−1 of P2O5

Foliar spray

•↑↑ productivity, total soluble phenolic compounds;

•↑↑ total soluble solids and pH,

•↓↓ total titratable acidity of the berries

Pereira et al. (2012)


Phosphorous acid

(20–30% of total P as Phi)

Nutrient solution applied to the roots

•↑↑ acidity, sugars, ions concentration and anthocyanin concentration in fruits

Ortiz et al. (2013)

3. Seaweed extracts



Seaweed extract

0.2% Seaweeds

Foliar spray

•↑↑ fruit yield producing large sized fruits with superior quality

Mohamed and El-Sehrawy (2013)


Seaweed extract

4 ml.L−1

Foliar spray

•↑↑ total leaves area, leaf chlorophyll content; leaf carbohydrates, leaf nitrogen content and leaf zinc content

Al-Rawi et al. (2016)

 Date palm

Sea weed extact + postassium nitrate

Seaweed extracts and KNO3 at 2%

Foliar spray

•↑↑ bunch weight, fruit yield, fruit and flesh weight

•↑↑soluble solids content, sugars content and fruit moisture

Omar et al. (2017)


seaweed extract from A. nodosum

0.5 ml/L at 21, 28 and 35 days

Foliar spray

•↑↑ leaf yield per plant and protein content

Pappachan et al. (2017)


Seaweed (A. nodosum L.)

2 g/L

Foliar spray

•↑↑bunch weight and yield,

El-Kholy (2017)


Sea weed extract

6 ml/L

Foliar spray

•↑↑ leaf area, leaves chlorophyll content, leaves dry weight and leaves carbohydrates content

Al-Hadethi (2019)


Seaweed (A. nodosum L.)

1 g/Lt

Foliar spray

•↑↑ yield and no. of berries

•↑↑ anthocyanin content

Taskos et al. (2019)

 Sour orange

Sea weed extact + CPPU

SWE (Agazone algae extract @ 9 ml/L + CPPU@ 8 mg/ L−1)

Foliar spray

•↑↑ seedling height, number of leaves, area of leaves and increase plant stem diameter rate

Ali and Al-Araji (2020)


Seaweed extracts (Alga 600)

4, g/L-1


•↑↑ number of flowers per plant, yielding units/plant

•↑↑ in fruit quality like TSS, sugar acids ratio

Al-Shatri et al. (2020)

 Mango seedling

Seaweed extract

4 ml/L

Foliar Spray

•↑↑ leaf nitrogen content, leaf potassium, leaf iron and leaf zinc content

Al-Marsoumi and Al-Hadethi (2020)


seaweed extract

2 g/L

Foliar spray

•↑↑ yield and berry attributes

•↑↑amino acid content and Vitamins improved vine C/N ratio,

El-Sese et al. 2020

4. Protein hydrolysates



Animal derived PH (Aminoflor)

5 L/ha

Foliar spray

•↑↑ dry matter and nitrate content of leaves

•↓↓ weight of daughter plants

Lisiecka et al. (2011)


Chicken feather derived PH

10 g/ L

Soil and foliar

•↑↑ nutrient, chlorophyll content, and proline in leaves

•↑↑ sugars, proteins, amino acids, phenolics and flavonoids in fruits

Gurav and Jadhav (2013)


Protein hydrolysate Supramino + urea + boric acid + zinc sulphate

5 ml/L supramino + 0.5% urea + 0.1% boric acid + 0.5% zinc sulphate

Foliar spray

•↑↑ nut weight, kernel weight/length/breadth; fruit size and weight; kernel protein content

•↑↑ Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu foliar contents

Ashraf et al. (2013)


Protein hydrolysate + calcium salts

5 L/ha, every 8 days, 7 times in 2012 and 23 L ha − 1, every 6 days, 24 times in 2013

Drenching and injection

•↓↓ Cl uptake, leaf necrosis, and leaf water potential

Visconti et al. (2015)


Amino-acids of animal origin

5, 1.0 and 1.5 g per plant

Four drench applications

•↑↑ resistance to frost damages

Bogunovic et al. (2015)

 Date palm

Coconut Milk + Casein Hydrolysate

Coconut Milk 30% and Casein Hydrolysate 2.5 g/L

Foliar spray

•↑↑ chlorophyll content, total carbohydrate, protein, amino acid, phenol and indole

Hosny et al. (2016)


Protein hydrolysates (PHs)

1.6 and 6.4 g/L

Foliar spray

•↑↑ yield per vines

•↑↑ qualitative parameter like anthocyanin content colour shape, phenolic content, TSS

Boselli et al. (2019)

5. Chitosan


 Dragon fruit

Chitosan from crab shell

50 kDa, 75–85% DD encapsulated as droplets of 200, 600 and 1000 nm diameter

Fruit dipping in post-harvest

•↑↑ fruit firmness and titratable acidity, total phenolics, flavonoids, lycopene and antioxidants, d

•↓↓ weight loss and respiration rate

Ali et al. (2013)


Chitosan + oligochitosan

Chitosan and oligochitosan @ 0.5 and 5.0 g/L

Foliar spray

•↓↓ post-harvest losses by delaying fruit softening & promotes antioxidant and

Ma et al. (2013)



Chitosan (85% DD, MW = 20–30 kDa) applied at 1.0 kg/ha

Foliar spray

•↑↑ fruit fresh weight and yield,

•↓↓ the incidence of disease

Scortichini (2014)

 White and red prickly pears

Medium-MW chitosan

Medium-MW chitosan (85% DD) at 1% (w/v) in 0.6% (v/v)

Fruit dipping (peeled) in post-harvest

•↓↓ weight loss,

• = firmness and colour

•↑↑Improved the sensory values

Ochoa and Guerrero-Beltrán (2014)


Neem + kurtuma leaf extract

30% neem and kurtuma leaf extract

Foliar application

•↓↓ infestation of citrus leaf-miner

Shareef et al. (2016)


Chitosan + Salicylic acid + Fulvic acid

500 mg/L

Foliar Spray

•↑↑ shoot length, leaf area,

•↑↑total chlorophyll and total protein,

•↑↑yield per vine, cluster weight, berry weight, soluble solids content

•↑↑ total phenols while reducing total acidity, cluster weight loss%,berry shatter % and berry decay%

•↓↓loss in cluster weight percentages during storage shelf life period

El-Kenawy (2017)



Nano-chitosan 5 ml/L

Foliar Spray

•↑↑ fruits yield as number of fruit or weight/tree

•↓↓ malformation percentage

Zagzog et al. 2017

 Washington Navel Orange


2 g/L

Foliar spray

•↑↑ leafy inflorescence

•↑↑ fruit set % and Canopy yield as weight (kg/m3)

•↑↑ chlorophyll contents

•↑↑physico-chemical properties of fruit

Mohamed and Ahmed 2019



chitosan at 0.5%

Foliar spray

•↑↑ improved the yield and fruit quality comparing

•↓↓ the fruit cracking

Ibtesam et al. (2019)


Chitosan coatings




•↓↓ reduced the expression of pectin methylesterase-related genes

Xin et al. (2020)

6. Botanicals


Neem + kurtuma leaf extract

30% neem and kurtuma leaf extract

foliar application

•↓↓ infestation of citrus leaf-miner

Shareef et al. (2016)


Wildflower strips

height of 20 cm with regular cutting


•↓↓ aphids (bait cards) in by 25%

Mateos et al. (2021)

7. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AM Fungi)



Arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)

20 g of mycorrhizal inoculum per plant

Soil application

•↑↑chlorophyll, carotenoids, proline, phenol

Krishna et al. (2005)

 Tangerine orange

AMF (Glomus versiforme)

30 g innoculum per pot

Soil application

•↑↑ leaf water potential, transpiration rates, photosynthetic rate, stomatal, conductance, relative water content and reduced leaf temperature

Wu and Xia (2006)


Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi

Soil application

•↑↑ plant height, stem diameter, shoot, root and total plant biomass, photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance

Wu et al. (2010)


AMF (Funneliformis mosseae)

300 g of mycorrhizal inoculum per plant

Soil application

•↑↑ dry biomass and leaf water potential,

Zhang et al. (2015a, b)


,Glomus mosseae(G.m)and G.versiforme(G.v)

5 g of inoculum

Soil application

•↑↑ absorption of N,P and K nutrients

•↑↑ photosynthetic activity

Chen and Zeng 2016


Claroideoglomus aff. luteum, C. claroideum, C. etunicatum, Funneliformis mosseae and Glomus sp

Soil application

•↑↑ root system and fruit anthocyanin content

Chiomento et al. (2019)

 Newhall navel orange

Diversispora spurca and D. versiformis


Soil application

•↑↑ Root fungal colonization

•↑↑increased soil phosphatases, and aggregate stability

•↑↑ fruit quality and mineral element contents

Cheng et al. (2022)

9. Beneficial bacteria


 Sour cherry

Bacillus mycoides T8 + Bacillus subtilis OSU-142


Floral and foliar

•↑↑ shoot length and fruit yield

Arikan and Pirlak (2016)


Pseudomonas fluorescens) and (Rhodococcus rhodochrous)

PGPR + NPK and PGPR + 1/2 NPK

Soil combination

•↑↑ average flesh firmness, values andyield

Gerçekcİoğlu et al. (2018)


Bacillus licheniformis CKA 1+ Root dip method + Foliar application

109 cfu/ ml

Root + foliar application

•↑↑ growth and yield

•↑↑ fruit quality like TSS compared to

Kumari et al. (2018)

  1. ↓↓ Decreased = maintained ↑↑ increased