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Table 1 The different groups involved the governance and operationalisation of the pea weevil response

From: The eradication of pea weevil Bruchus pisorum (L.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from New Zealand




MPI Incursion Investigation Team

Responded to the reported incursion as it occurred. Established the initial parameters of the incursion and reported to the Response Team and the Technical Advisory Group

A specialist team within MPI

Governance Group

Approval of strategy to eradicate

MPI and Industry (growers and seed companies)

Technical Advisory Group (TAG)

Provided expert advice on possible surveillance and eradication scenarios. Provided advice to the Response Team and to Industry. Designed specifications for surveillance including trap cropping

Expert representatives from MPI, industry and research

Response team

Provide management and resources for the eradication. Subcontracting operational requirements. Communication to industry and general public through various media outlets

MPI Legal set specifications for the Controlled Area under the Biosecurity Act 1993

A specialist team within MPI, also includes contractors such as AsureQuality

Affected industries

Complied with regulations of the Controlled Area Notice, provided general awareness and reporting of pea weevil, pea crops and volunteer pea plants within the controlled area, and provided the facilitation of local information transfer

Pea growers, Federated Farmers, Foundation for Arable Research, Vegetable processers, garden supplies


Complied by not growing peas and assisted by reporting any suspect pea weevil or wild pea plants, or pea straw

Masterton residents who were within 5 km of heavily infested farms